Archive for Shivani's diary

2 little Nemo’s at my home

 My li’l one has a great fascination for fishes ever since she started to get familiar with the ‘Animal Kingdom’ – getting to know about creatures, and fishes available right at her hand reach (yes we have quite a big family in the water stagnation around the low lying surroundings of our home) seemed to get all her attention. She starts her day seeing them, I mean her brushing can happen only after saying a ‘Gud Morning’ to these little ones. She has her food besides them where almost half from her plate will fill their tummy,, finishes off her dinner along with them..she cribs when there are no fishes to take the food that she drops, yells and enjoys seeing them play days are really tough giving her food when I cannot figure these tiny pets of hers, especially when it is noisy (they just hide them selves perceiving sounds). I had put the proposal of getting a fish pond to appreciate my daughter fondness, without showing off my inner aspirations as well, may be by seeing them for long along with my daughter I had also taken a liking for them. But hubby dear always brushed that aside quoting maintenance as an excuse.

Shivani's Nemos


Yesterday was the D’ day when we finally managed to make him consent for the Deal which he couldn’t renounce. But he had his condition’s in it being a small one and not too big.

 My daughter picked up 2 little golden fishes from the aquarium and they in a small round bowl started to adore the corner table since yesterday..but the repercussion’s just make me think over, how long will this pond stay???

 Shivani finds her seat just beside the pond and keeps talking to her new pets..quite interesting to see, but the problem is, she is so worried about their diet and food that every few minutes she wants to put the fish food inside, a strong taunt that it should not be done and as I went in to kitchen I could hear her still talking and back in the living room , was this shock waiting for me…all the white rice from her plate has gone inside the pond!!! Cleaning them up, I tried convincing her of the fact that Fishes cannot eat much and they are going to sleep and managed to take her to bed. And today afternoon was even worser, she was ready with her fish trap (Toy) which we had once got her seeing her enticement on fishes, all set to catch the little ones inside the pond!!!, God she tested my time and endurance today to switch her focus….

 Just wondering if the little Nemos’ are going to have a tough time ahead….