Archive for March, 2010

A forgotten trait

As we evolved, there were numerous changes from an uncivilized version to what we are now. All for the better…but as we move along the wheel of life, there are so many quality changes, which move us away from our values. Out of the blue we remember it one day ‘Oh I have not been doing this now!!!’. One such thing I remembered or rather realized recently was that I had forgotten the ‘Art of gifting’.

I had ensured that I made people, my dear ones feel special by gifting them small things what ever I can. I always had the thought that happiness gives self contentment to see others being happy because of you..i would not wait for occasions to gift some one formally..i ascertained that the loved ones are kept posted and assured that immaterial of the distance they are reached with a ‘kutty’ gift which will mark a difference in great ways and you could vividly envision the smile that is guaranteed on their face.

I would just not send a well packed gift, it always had my personal touch, and that I believe made it even more cherished. Special notes on what they have done was a kind of appreciation and acknowledgement that bring waves in otherwise the ripple free routine..

In a way it also boomed by creativity to show versatility in adding those ‘personal touches’. Now to quote it is almost 3 years since I have done a memorable gifting. Lack of time or lack of interest what so ever, I have lost one of my constructive values!. Also the lack of reciprocation had not fueled me to keep going and doing so to say. My focus had shifted and the hectic pace of life had infact drudged me down from portraying such graceful ethics.

I have decided to continue and resume on so called one of my lost habits, where I can rejoice seeing smiles when my ‘present’ clings on their hands. Gifts are not just one of the ways of expressing love, but one of the best hookers of keeping relationships in tight bonds.

Who will not jump up to see a well wrapped gift, full of surprises? It does not really matter how precious are valuable is the souvenir inside. I have even send shirts / chocolates to my brother as gift, but they were never sent as a normal courier, a loving note was never missed, and that covered up for how little or regular the gift was. I do repeat the gifts, but some how I marked them to stand out every time it was sent.

I would say that more than the reward, gift is love embraced with pretty dressing send to reach hearts, and that’s why they bring smiles. I just get touched even now when there is a B’day greet through email from my good old friend, god she remembers me!!!!

I am all geared up to resume in to action. To pull out time and do this. Love is ‘GIVING’ and giving Gifts is one of the remarkable and easiest genres of expression.

Guys for you all…..

I started reading a bit more once I kicked off blogging to get the heck of varied styles of writing, cue on becoming professional isn’t it J. I was wondering if I am just posting to quench my desire for articulating thoughts, after all that’s writing!. Shouldn’t it benefit some one reading it, if at all I have some blog visitors? I was noting that there were many silent guests, who did not want to leave a few words to let me know what it was to peruse these postings. I am taking a few minutes of your precious time and it should be worth while to leave an impact as you read them or instigate some thing which makes us all on the same podium to share and enjoy.

I had wanted this to be a virtual space to spend a few minutes to let know some one of some good old memories and relish those times when we were together; Child hood, school days, college memoirs, before marriage and after marriage etc. Time and life has all put us in distance, though all of are just on a phone call reach, thanks to emerging tech, which has provided us with so much of options to make remote calls, but still there is something which can unveil the wrapped emotions and that is where I found this medium apt and accurate to bring all those relations together.

I have not made the blog public wanting only the dear and near to read so that we all have something to say and make things keep going. I personally feel that it is so enriching when you revive on some good old memories and rejoice. So if you have something to say do pen down as you drop to read. Reciprocation energizes and I will get convinced that I write to have some value add. I would request you to acknowledge as we talk to accept or argue and keep up the spirits…believe me once we all snug deep in to our own lives and run day in and out, we need to stop somewhere to ensure if we are embracing all our dear ones as we rush. And I am just working on it!!!…

Best Spouse award…

 I must say it was one of the exciting competitions that were announced for the staff. There was a communiqué to send in write ups to support the subject line topic, and as I said earlier the exhilaration immediately put me to thoughts to start the write up, I just had a glance on the complete note on what was expected from this and I impeded from writing further.

 The announcement by itself was quite controversial in quoting 2 things. The first part talked about partners equal contribution, learning to adopt to changes etc while the second part said that award was for the best supportive spouse and examples were baby sitting, helping the kid in studies.

 I believe all spouses I mean husbands will receive the award if it is merely baby sitting as most of them are bound to do that role now. I just stopped the write up and wanted to convince myself what exactly I infer from the topic so that I can correlate if my hubby dear is doing that, more to my satisfaction than near to perfection.

 Most successful working couples are those who are able to balance work and life pretty smoothly without either of them being over loaded or exhausted, the last note is the key word to be annotated.

 Baby sitting / sharing house hold work could be just one aspect in the whole dimension, and I am sure it has some thing more than just said above. How many women could just continue doing what ever they did before marriage and after marriage? Be it just a simple chore of book reading or enjoying music. I am not talking feminism by saying that most men mange to get things continued, but so to say the statement stands accepted by majority.

 The existing societal background should be censured as men from boys grow with such things already rooted deep inside them. I am saying so because for once such incident where I have seen 2 of them reacting differently. I am saying this to highlight the erroneous values which most of us imbibe. I remember once bringing in a bucket full of water to assist in getting the water pump run when my neighbor just offered to carry that bucket, so pleasing and respectable etiquette I must say. I have seen the same in my brother. I would refrain from detailing the other incident where it was said that carrying pots is below their dignity by another person!!!!!

 Most men are now tamed, I say so, and because these traits just get absorbed without any values add. In such cases the definition for helping hand will vary to extremes between these 2 sects of people. While for the first category of men small chores which we would like to share will all be taken up voluntarily and with concern. But with the second category of men, the nails just break trying to strike the chord!!!

 But then again we just could not prove the second sect to be disobliging spouses. So it matters a lot where actually we draw the line. Am I going out of tract deviating too beyond the topic???

 I am assured myself that it is a small mass which the stone that I have set rolling will gather. To me what it means as a supportive spouse is one who is there to take up charge when you just want; you spell it out or not. A person who discovers your unnoticed, un known talents and inspires them to be brought to light, give moving space for your acts, makes room for your personal time and is there to listen and just listen when you want emotional reassurance and more and more…..i could pen down so many to etch that perfect spouse figure..

 With all that in place, things set right automatically and both move parallel in ladder. There are some golden rules which spot a supportive spouse (it’s me giving these rules, it is very much debatable with varied perceptions I am sure hubby dear will!!).

1. Ascertain the load that your spouse takes up in the same window excluding sleep. And there you know where you can pitch in!!!!!

2. See if your spouse has a big Colgate / close up smile at least once a day because of you

3. Ensure that your spouse’s flair for some unnoticed ability or distinguishing endowments come to the lime light.

4. Understand, appreciate and admire


 In most case all the above would have been realized but not expressed. And that’s where the cart stops or moves slowly or distorted.

 So now the final note or for what you all had read eagerly, does my hubby dear wins of that title???? I must say he will win, with a 0.5 percentile refinements in comprehending what I expect as detailed above and at the moment he has passed with distinction, but yet to get those flying colors!!!!!!!!

 How are your hubby’s scoring on this??